1). Hostname Operator Listening Loop
The Akash Provider Hostname Operator command - hostname-operator
invokes initial controller variable and logging settings.
This logic begins with the call of the doHostnameOperator
function from Hostname Operator command. Eventually in this function the run
method is called with an operator struct passed in. The run
function - covered in detail shortly - will begin a listening loop for new ingress controller entries.
func doHostnameOperator(cmd *cobra.Command) error { .... group.Go(func() error { return op.run(ctx) }) ....}
The operator
struct of which op
of type hostnameOperator
is passed into the run
method as mentioned.
type hostnameOperator struct { hostnames map[string]managedHostname
leasesIgnored operatorcommon.IgnoreList
client cluster.Client
log log.Logger
cfg operatorcommon.OperatorConfig server operatorcommon.OperatorHTTP
flagHostnamesData operatorcommon.PrepareFlagFn flagIgnoreListData operatorcommon.PrepareFlagFn}
2). Hostname Operator Listening Loop
The run
method invokes loop listening for new ingress controller entries.
A perpetual for loop is created and the upstream monitorUntilError
method is called. The monitorUntilError
- as covered in detail next - will listen on an event bus for new Kubernetes Ingress Controller entries.
func (op *hostnameOperator) run(parentCtx context.Context) error { op.log.Debug("hostname operator start")
for { ... err := op.monitorUntilError(parentCtx) ... }}
3). Collect and Store Current Ingress Controller Entries
The monitorUntilError
method calls the GetHostnameDeploymentConnections
- located in provider/cluster/kube/client_ingress.go
- which makes a call to the Kubernetes API server for a list of Ingress Controller entries.
The Ingress Controller entries are stored in the connections
variable which is ranged/looped through and added to the hostnameOperator
struct map of hostnames. Future deployments will have their hostname added to the complete, current map when new providerhost
custom resources are created.
The map of hostnames will be used in downstream logic to determine if an ingress controller entry needs to be created for a providerhost
custom resource or if the entry already exists and can then be updated or deemed no add/update necessary.
func (op *hostnameOperator) monitorUntilError(parentCtx context.Context) error { .... op.log.Info("starting observation")
connections, err := op.client.GetHostnameDeploymentConnections(ctx) ....
for _, conn := range connections { leaseID := conn.GetLeaseID() hostname := conn.GetHostname() entry := managedHostname{ lastEvent: nil, presentLease: leaseID, presentServiceName: conn.GetServiceName(), presentExternalPort: uint32(conn.GetExternalPort()), }
op.hostnames[hostname] = entry op.log.Debug("identified existing hostname connection", "hostname", hostname, "lease", entry.presentLease, "service", entry.presentServiceName, "port", entry.presentExternalPort) }}
4). Monitor Kubernetes for New Provider Host Custom Resources
The ObserveHostnameState
function - located within provider/cluster/kube/client_hostname_connections.go - monitors for new providerhost
custom resource adds, updates, or deletes.
The ObserveHostnameState
method returns new events on a channel which is then taken off the channel within a select block.
Finally the event - stored in the ev
variable once it is pulled off the channel - is passed into the applyEvent
events, err := op.client.ObserveHostnameState(ctx) if err != nil { cancel() return err }
loop: for { select { ....
case ev, ok := <-events: if !ok { exitError = operatorcommon.ErrObservationStopped break loop } err = op.applyEvent(ctx, ev) if err != nil { op.log.Error("failed applying event", "err", err) exitError = err break loop } case <-pruneTicker.C: op.prune() case <-prepareTicker.C: if err := op.server.PrepareAll(); err != nil { op.log.Error("preparing web data failed", "err", err) }
} }
cancel() op.log.Debug("hostname operator done") return exitError
5). Apply the Event/Hostname Addition
The applyEvent
method - located in the same file hostname_operator.go
file as the run
function - matches the event type (I.e. ProviderResourceAdd
). The event type was set prior via the ObserveHostnameState
Following the path of a new providerhost
resource add as an example the matched event is then passed to the applyAddOrUpdateEvent
func (op *hostnameOperator) applyEvent(ctx context.Context, ev ctypes.HostnameResourceEvent) error { op.log.Debug("apply event", "event-type", ev.GetEventType(), "hostname", ev.GetHostname()) switch ev.GetEventType() { ... case ctypes.ProviderResourceAdd, ctypes.ProviderResourceUpdate: if op.isEventIgnored(ev) { op.log.Info("ignoring event for", "lease", ev.GetLeaseID().String()) return nil } err := op.applyAddOrUpdateEvent(ctx, ev) ...
6). Determine if New Ingres Controller Entry is Necessary
A check is conducted to determine if the hostname already exists in the hostname map of the hostnameOperator (op)
struct. If such an entry is not found in the map it is deemed a new ingress controller entry is necessary.
The ingress controller entry for the event is then made via the ConnectHostnameToDeployment
func (op *hostnameOperator) applyAddOrUpdateEvent(ctx context.Context, ev ctypes.HostnameResourceEvent) error { selectedExpose, err := locateServiceFromManifest(ctx, op.client, ev.GetLeaseID(), ev.GetServiceName(), ev.GetExternalPort()) if err != nil { return err }
leaseID := ev.GetLeaseID()
op.log.Debug("connecting", "hostname", ev.GetHostname(), "lease", leaseID, "service", ev.GetServiceName(), "externalPort", ev.GetExternalPort()) entry, exists := op.hostnames[ev.GetHostname()] .... if isSameLease { shouldConnect := false
if !exists { shouldConnect = true op.log.Debug("hostname target is new, applying") // Check to see if port or service name is different } .... if shouldConnect { op.log.Debug("Updating ingress") // Update or create the existing ingress err = op.client.ConnectHostnameToDeployment(ctx, directive) } ....}
7). Apply New Ingress Controller Rule
func (c *client) ConnectHostnameToDeployment(ctx context.Context, directive ctypes.ConnectHostnameToDeploymentDirective) error { ingressName := directive.Hostname ns := builder.LidNS(directive.LeaseID) rules := ingressRules(directive.Hostname, directive.ServiceName, directive.ServicePort)
foundEntry, err := c.kc.NetworkingV1().Ingresses(ns).Get(ctx, ingressName, metav1.GetOptions{}) metricsutils.IncCounterVecWithLabelValuesFiltered(kubeCallsCounter, "ingresses-get", err, kubeErrors.IsNotFound)
labels := make(map[string]string) labels[builder.AkashManagedLabelName] = "true" builder.AppendLeaseLabels(directive.LeaseID, labels)
ingressClassName := akashIngressClassName obj := &netv1.Ingress{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: ingressName, Labels: labels, Annotations: kubeNginxIngressAnnotations(directive), }, Spec: netv1.IngressSpec{ IngressClassName: &ingressClassName, Rules: rules, }, }
switch { case err == nil: obj.ResourceVersion = foundEntry.ResourceVersion _, err = c.kc.NetworkingV1().Ingresses(ns).Update(ctx, obj, metav1.UpdateOptions{}) metricsutils.IncCounterVecWithLabelValues(kubeCallsCounter, "networking-ingresses-update", err) case kubeErrors.IsNotFound(err): _, err = c.kc.NetworkingV1().Ingresses(ns).Create(ctx, obj, metav1.CreateOptions{}) metricsutils.IncCounterVecWithLabelValues(kubeCallsCounter, "networking-ingresses-create", err) }
return err}