Akash Validator with TMKMS and Stunnel

In this guide we will create an Akash Validator as a deployment on the Akash network. The Tendermint Key Management System (TMKMS) will be used so that we do not store the validator’s private key on the validator server itself.

An implementation of Stunnel is included to provide secure peer to peer communication between the Akash validator and the TMKMS server.

The Validator deployment will take advantage of statesync for rapid blockchain synchronization.

Sections in this guide:

Additional Resources

Creation of an Akash Validator with TMKMS and Stunnel via streamlined steps is the focus of this guide. For further information and details, reference the following GitHub repository maintained by the creators of the Omnibus project.

Validator Topology

In this guide we create a Validator within an Akash Deployment.

The topology of the environment will be as follows:

  • Akash Validator as a deployment and as created in the Akash Validator Deployment section of this guide
  • Tendermint Key Managment System (TMKMS) used for storage of the Validators private key on a secured server. The TMKMS instance - configured in the TMKMS Setup section of this guide - may be created on any secure server of your choosing. The TMKMS server must have connectivity to the Akash Validator.
  • Stunnel provides a secure communication path between the validator and the TMKMS node. A Stunnel server will be co-located with the Validator. A Stunnel client will be co-located with the TMKMS server.

Obtain Private Key

In the TMKMS Setup section of this guide we will import your Validators private key.

If you have a pre-existing Akash Validator the private key from this instance may be used.

If this is a new Akash Validator - create an Akash validator instance for the purpose of private key generation, capture the private key, and then shut down the validator. Use the instructions in Akash Node Deployment Via Omnibus to easily build an Akash Node for this purpose and to obtain the validator private key as detailed below. It is NOT necessary to complete the additional steps to turn the Node into a Validator. Completing only the Node build will allow the capture of the needed Validator private key.

Example Validator Private Key Retrieval

  • Display contents of key file on the validator
cat ~/.akash/config/priv_validator_key.json
  • Example Output
"address": "134FCAC9<redacted>",
"pub_key": {
"type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
"value": "BrL0wA8DWiVvm<redacted>"
"priv_key": {
"type": "tendermint/PrivKeyEd25519",
"value": "3RphlkX7PucBKSdhFKviFV5TI<redacted>"

Akash Validator Deployment

Akash Console

  • Within this guide we will use the Akash Console application to create the Akash Validator
  • Please review our Akash Console docs for instructions on how to install and configure the application if this is your first time using

Create the Akash Validator Deployment

  • Use the steps that follow - within Akash Console - to create your Akash Validator deployment
  • The Akash SDL used additionally spins up a Stunnel server to facilitate secure communication with the TMKMS server created in later steps

Create New Deployment

  • Use the CREATE DEPLOYMENT button to launch a new deployment

Empty Template Option

  • Select the Empty option as we will be copying a pre-constructed Akash SDL for the deployment

Copy SDL into Editor

  • Copy the following Akash SDL into the Editor pane
  • Reference the Populated Editor section of this guide for further clarity
  • Note that the SDL is using persistent storage to allow data residency should your deployment restart. Data will only persist thru the life of the associated Akash lease.

To ensure the most to update SDL is utilized, view the latest version here.

SDL Edits
  • Consider updating the Pre-Shared Key (PSK) value in the proxy service > env stanza to your own unique value. The pre-shared key must match that which is defined in the upcoming Stunnel Client configuration.
  • Update the MONIKER in the node service > env stanza to your own name/organization name.
  • No additional edits of this SDL are necessary for Akash Validator creation.
version: "2.0"
image: ghcr.io/akash-network/cosmos-omnibus:v0.3.42-akash-v0.22.7
- MONIKER=my-moniker-1
- CHAIN_JSON=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/akash-network/net/main/mainnet/meta.json
- AKASH_PRIV_VALIDATOR_LADDR=tcp:// # requires remote signer
- port: 26657
- service: proxy # only exposed to proxy, not globally
- port: 26658
- service: proxy # only exposed to proxy, not globally
mount: /root/.akash
image: ghcr.io/ovrclk/stunnel-proxy:v0.0.1
- PSK=DmtaC6N3HOWFkJZpNZs2dkabFT5yQONw # must match PSK in Stunnel client
- STUNNEL_SVC_RPC_ACCEPT=36657 # accept 36657
- STUNNEL_SVC_RPC_CONNECT=node:26657 # proxy 36657 to node:26657
- STUNNEL_SVC_SIGNER_ACCEPT=36658 # accept 36658
- STUNNEL_SVC_SIGNER_CONNECT=node:26658 # proxy 36658 to node:26658
- port: 36657 # expose TLS encrypted 36657 globally through a random port
- global: true
- port: 36658 # expose TLS encrypted 36658 globally through a random port
- global: true
units: 4
size: 8Gi
- size: 512Mi
- name: data
size: 120Gi
persistent: true
class: beta2
units: 1
size: 512Mi
size: 512Mi
host: akash
- akash1365yvmc4s7awdyj3n2sav7xfx76adc6dnmlx63
denom: uakt
amount: 10000
denom: uakt
amount: 10000
profile: node
count: 1
profile: proxy
count: 1
Populated Editor

NOTE- SDL spans past the view in this panel and bottom portion is not displayed

  • Select the CREATE DEPLOYMENT button to proceed

Deployment Deposit

  • An escrow account is created for the deployment that is deducted from by the provider for the cost of the workload over time
  • By default 0.5 AKT is specified as the initial escrow deposit
  • If a deployment’s escrow runs out of funds (0 AKT), the lease will be closed by the provider. Consider increasing the initial deposit to an amount that will be enough to fund the deployment for some time. And/or consider a strategy to ensure the escrow is re-funded on a periodic basis to ensure no disruption to your validator.
  • When ready select DEPOSIT to proceed and APPROVE any Transaction/gas fee prompts that follow

Select Akash Provider

  • A list of Akash Providers that have bid on your deployment is displayed
  • Choose the desired Provider from the list and then select ACCEPT BID to proceed

Deployment Logs

  • The LOGS > EVENTS pane for the new Deployment will display
  • NOTE - after a period of time the logs will display a Back-off restarting failed container message. This is expected as the container will not start until it has established a connection with the TMKMS server in subsequent steps.
  • Select the LEASES tab to proceed into the next step

Capture Deployment URI and Port

  • In upcoming TMKMS configuration sections we will need to specify our Akash Validator deployment’s URI and port
  • Capture this info from the LEASES tab for later use and specifically in the Stunnel Client section
  • In the example the following values would be captured (these values will be different for your deployment):
  • URI - using the Provider field - provider.mainnet-1.ca.aksh.pw
  • Signer Port - using the Forwarded Port field and capturing the port forward to 36658 which in this example is 31684
  • Proxy/RPC Port -using the Forwarded Port field and capturing the port forward to 36657 which in this example is 32675



  • In a future step in this guide we deploy a Stunnel client which must co-exist on the same machine as the TMKMS server
  • For simplicity we use Docker Compose to build the Stunnel client
  • We do not offer a TMKMS image based on security concerns in using a third party TMKMS image. However you may want to consider using the Linux instructions below for TMKMS server build and create a container image yourself so that both the TKMKS server and the Stunnel client may both be deployed as containers on the single host.

Prepare TMKMS Dependencies (Ubuntu Instructions)

  • All steps in this section should be performed on the TMKMS server unless otherwise noted

Rust Install

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env


sudo apt update
sudo apt install git build-essential ufw curl jq snapd --yes


apt install libusb-1.0-0-dev
export RUSTFLAGS=-Ctarget-feature=+aes,+ssse3


  • All steps in this section should be performed on the TMKMS server unless otherwise noted

Compiling TMKMS from Source Code

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/iqlusioninc/tmkms.git
cd ~/tmkms
cargo install tmkms --features=softsign
mkdir /etc/tmkms
tmkms init /etc/tmkms/

Copy Validator Private Key into TMKMS Config File

  • Create the priv_validator_key.json file
vi /etc/tmkms/secrets/priv_validator_key.json
  • Copy/paste the validator private key into the priv_validator_key.json file
Example priv_validator_key.json file
"address": "3407CC1<REDACTED>243E2865",
"pub_key": {
"type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
"value": "5uAJKqd<REDACTED>mr5LrY6wsRs="
"priv_key": {
"type": "tendermint/PrivKeyEd25519",
"value": "d1feQqRc<REDACTED>p1pDs6B6avkutjrCxGw=="

Import the Private Validator Key into TMKMS

tmkms softsign import /etc/tmkms/secrets/priv_validator_key.json /etc/tmkms/secrets/priv_validator_key.softsign

Delete Private Key File on the Validator

  • Conduct this step on the Akash Validator machine
  • Securely delete the priv_validator_key.json from your validator node and store it safely offline in case of an emergency. The priv_validator_key will be what TMKMS will use to sign for your validator.
  • Return to the TMKMS server after this step to complete subsequent steps in this section
shred -uvz ~/.akash/config/priv_validator_key.json

Modify tmkms.toml

  • Begin by deleting the existing tmkms.toml file and re-creating anew
rm /etc/tmkms/tmkms.toml
vi /etc/tmkms/tmkms.toml
  • Copy the following configuration into the new tmkms.toml file
  • No edits to the file syntax below should be necessary
# Tendermint KMS configuration file
## Chain Configuration
### akashnet-2-dev Network
id = "akashnet-2-dev"
key_format = { type = "bech32", account_key_prefix = "akashpub", consensus_key_prefix = "akashvalconspub" }
state_file = "/etc/tmkms/state/akashnet-2-dev-consensus.json"
## Signing Provider Configuration
### Software-based Signer Configuration
chain_ids = ["akashnet-2-dev"]
key_type = "consensus"
path = "/etc/tmkms/secrets/priv_validator_key.softsign"
## Validator Configuration
chain_id = "akashnet-2-dev"
addr = "tcp://"
secret_key = "/etc/tmkms/secrets/kms-identity.key"
protocol_version = "v0.34"
reconnect = true

Start and Verify the TMKMS Service

All steps in this section should be performed on the TMKMS server unless otherwise noted

Start the TMKMS Service

tmkms start -c /etc/tmkms/tmkms.toml

Initial Log Messages

  • The following connection error messages will initially display after the TMKMS service start
  • Wait approximately 5-10 minutes for the connection to establish and at which time these error messages should cease
2022-03-08T23:42:37.926816Z INFO tmkms::commands::start: tmkms 0.11.0 starting up...
2022-03-08T23:42:37.926968Z INFO tmkms::keyring: [keyring:softsign] added consensus Ed25519 key: osmovalconspub1zcjduepq2qfkp3ahrhaafzuqglme9mares0eluj58xr6cy7c37cdmzq0eecqk0yehr
2022-03-08T23:42:37.927216Z INFO tmkms::connection::tcp: KMS node ID: 948f8fee83f7715f99b8b8a53d746ef00e7b0d9e
2022-03-08T23:42:37.929454Z ERROR tmkms::client: [osmosis-1@tcp://123.456.32.123:26659] I/O error: Connection refused (os error 111)

Log Messages Indicating Successful TMKMS Connection

  • NOTE - these verifications and log entries will not be seen until after the Stunnel Client is created and configured
  • Eventually the following TMKMS log messages should display indicating successful connection between the TMKMS server and the Akash validator
2022-09-15T00:08:10.604353Z INFO tmkms::connection::tcp: KMS node ID: 7a1f7c7f726d94787045cca9fee05c1ec67cd09a
2022-09-15T00:08:10.899641Z INFO tmkms::session: [akashnet-2@tcp://] connected to validator successfully
2022-09-15T00:08:10.899670Z WARN tmkms::session: [akashnet-2@tcp://]: unverified validator peer ID! (aa9cdfb9e1af2d8033168f562941a95c98545372)

Stunnel Client


  • The Stunnel client is used to connect to the Stunnel server which was co-located on the Akash Validator server in prior steps
  • We will install the Stunnel client via Docker Compose
  • The Stunnel client must co-exist on the same server as TMKMS which was built in the prior step

Stunnel Client Source Code

Stunnel Repository with Docker Files

  • The Stunnel Dockerfile and Docker Compose files used in this section are located here for your review

Pull Down a Copy of the Stunnel Repo

  • This step and all subsequent steps should be performed on the server TMKMS was installed on prior
mkdir ~/stunnel
cd ~/stunnel
git clone https://github.com/akash-network/stunnel-proxy

Customize the Stunnel Client Docker Compose File

  • Navigate into the client directory and make necessary updates to the docker-compose.ymlfile as detailed below
cd ~/stunnel/stunnel-proxy/client
vi docker-compose.yml

Necessary Docker Compose File Updates

  • Use the details captured in the Akash Validator Deployment section of the guide - within the Capture Deployment URI and Port subsection - for the Docker Compose file updates discussed below


  • Update the STUNNEL_SVC_RPC_CONNECT field
  • This field should use the exposed Proxy/RPC port captured during the Akash Validator deployment and within this step
  • Template - update the provider and exposed port variables with your unique Akash deployment values
  • Example of the setting based on the example deployment in this guide
  • This field should use the exposed Signer port captured during the Akash Validator deployment and within this step
  • Template - update the provider and exposed port variables with your unique Akash deployment values
  • Example of the setting based on the example deployment in this guide
Network > Server_Default Setting
  • Update the Network > Server_Default setting to external: false such as:
external: false
Pre-Shared Key (PSK)

Example docker-compose.yaml File

version: "3.3"
build: ../
- PSK=DmtaC6N3HOWFkJZpNZs2dkabFT5yQONw
- STUNNEL_SVC_RPC_CONNECT=provider.mainnet-1.ca.aksh.pw:32323
- STUNNEL_SVC_SIGNER_CONNECT=provider.mainnet-1.ca.aksh.pw:32435
- server_default
- '36657:36657'
- '36658:36658'
external: false

Docker Compose Up

  • Create the Stunnel Client Container
cd ~/stunnel/stunnel-proxy/client
docker compose up -d

Stunnel Client Successful Connection Logs

Confirm Name of Container

docker container ls
Example Output
a4bd1b21f551 client-stunnel "/usr/local/configur…" 44 minutes ago Up 44 minutes>36657-36658/tcp, :::36657-36658->36657-36658/tcp client-stunnel-1

View Stunnel Client Container Logs

docker container logs <container-name-obtained-in-last-step>
docker container logs client-stunnel-1

Example Logs Indicating Successful Connection

client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG6[0]: s_connect: connecting
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG7[0]: s_connect: s_poll_wait waiting 10 seconds
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG5[0]: s_connect: connected
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG5[0]: Service [signer] connected remote server from
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG7[0]: Setting remote socket options (FD=8)
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG7[0]: Option TCP_NODELAY set on remote socket
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG7[0]: Remote descriptor (FD=8) initialized
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG6[0]: SNI: sending servername: provider.mainnet-1.ca.aksh.pw
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG6[0]: Peer certificate not required
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): before SSL initialization
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG6[0]: PSK client configured for identity "node"
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS write client hello
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS write client hello
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS read server hello
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS write change cipher spec
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG6[0]: PSK client configured for identity "node"
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG7[0]: Deallocating application specific data for session connect address
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS write client hello
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS write client hello
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG7[0]: Deallocating application specific data for session connect address
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS read server hello
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): TLSv1.3 read encrypted extensions
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS read finished
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS write finished
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG7[0]: 1 client connect(s) requested
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG7[0]: 1 client connect(s) succeeded
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG7[0]: 0 client renegotiation(s) requested
client-stunnel-1 | 2022.09.15 00:08:09 LOG7[0]: 1 session reuse(s)

Verify Validator Status


  • In this section we will verify the state of the Akash Validator following successful integration of TMKMS and Stunnel
  • Use Akash Console for the validations in this section

Verify Stunnel Proxy Service

  • Navigate into your Akash Validator deployment within Akash Console
  • Enter the LOGS tab of the deployment
  • From the Services drop down menu > select proxy
  • With Stunnel logs isolated we should see successful TLS connection messages such as the examples below
proxy: 2022.09.15 00:08:10 LOG7[12]: TLS state (accept): SSLv3/TLS write finished
proxy: 2022.09.15 00:08:10 LOG7[12]: TLS state (accept): TLSv1.3 early data
proxy: 2022.09.15 00:08:10 LOG7[12]: TLS state (accept): TLSv1.3 early data
proxy: 2022.09.15 00:08:10 LOG7[12]: TLS state (accept): SSLv3/TLS read finished
proxy: 2022.09.15 00:08:10 LOG7[12]: 8 server accept(s) requested
proxy: 2022.09.15 00:08:10 LOG7[12]: 2 server accept(s) succeeded
proxy: 2022.09.15 00:08:10 LOG7[12]: 0 server renegotiation(s) requested
proxy: 2022.09.15 00:08:10 LOG7[12]: 4 session reuse(s)
proxy: 2022.09.15 00:08:10 LOG7[12]: 1 internal session cache item(s)
proxy: 2022.09.15 00:08:10 LOG7[12]: 0 internal session cache fill-up(s)
proxy: 2022.09.15 00:08:10 LOG7[12]: 0 internal session cache miss(es)
proxy: 2022.09.15 00:08:10 LOG7[12]: 0 external session cache hit(s)
proxy: 2022.09.15 00:08:10 LOG7[12]: 0 expired session(s) retrieved
proxy: 2022.09.15 00:08:10 LOG7[12]: New session callback
proxy: 2022.09.15 00:08:10 LOG6[12]: No peer certificate received
proxy: 2022.09.15 00:08:10 LOG6[12]: Session id: A33315836C947E567A8BBA625BAB4C137F6B26DEAF54142D56E87775A44C26BA
proxy: 2022.09.15 00:08:10 LOG7[12]: TLS state (accept): SSLv3/TLS write session ticket
proxy: 2022.09.15 00:08:10 LOG6[12]: TLS accepted: previous session reused
proxy: 2022.09.15 00:08:10 LOG6[12]: TLSv1.3 ciphersuite: TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 (256-bit encryption)
proxy: 2022.09.15 00:08:10 LOG7[12]: Compression: null, expansion: null
proxy: 2022.09.15 00:08:10 LOG6[12]: Session id: A33315836C947E567A8BBA625BAB4C137F6B26DEAF54142D56E87775A44C26BA

Verify Validator Status

  • Navigate into your Akash Validator deployment within Akash Console
  • Enter the LOGS tab of the deployment
  • From the Services drop down menu > select node
  • With Validator logs isolated we should see successful executed block and committed state messages such as those below
node: 1:19AM INF executed block height=7627065 module=state num_invalid_txs=0 num_valid_txs=3
node: 1:19AM INF commit synced commit=436F6D6D697449447B5B32362031333220343820373520313930203320343720323238203136372038352031303520323520313533203539203630203234392031343720313236203938203136312032323220313620313336203230322032343220313137203139332032303620313234203830203131322032305D3A3734363133397D
node: 1:19AM INF committed state app_hash=1A84304BBE032FE4A7556919993B3CF9937E62A1DE1088CAF275C1CE7C507014 height=7627065 module=state num_txs=3
node: 1:19AM INF indexed block height=7627065 module=txindex
node: 1:19AM INF Timed out dur=4875.841288 height=7627066 module=consensus round=0 step=1
node: 1:19AM INF received proposal module=consensus proposal={"Type":32,"block_id":{"hash":"EA1BA91C01F647AC96B855177BE4696FF8B5A470237598A87275B395A1E5C58B","parts":{"hash":"79AF71041EA62A35DA4507A32491F4EF0ADC4E570869E9A5406208A33818EC97","total":1}},"height":7627066,"pol_round":-1,"round":0,"signature":"PBwZZYMEehs/k5jv8RnPSSvYVnMdCHB4UylPnZuxmhL1146okZMaU+huMjJYV8sjAUR6JNoJC8wlwrKHQuUkCA==","timestamp":"2022-09-15T01:20:16.268331046Z"}
node: 1:20AM INF received complete proposal block hash=EA1BA91C01F647AC96B855177BE4696FF8B5A470237598A87275B395A1E5C58B height=7627066 module=consensus
node: 1:20AM INF finalizing commit of block hash=EA1BA91C01F647AC96B855177BE4696FF8B5A470237598A87275B395A1E5C58B height=7627066 module=consensus num_txs=1 root=1A84304BBE032FE4A7556919993B3CF9937E62A1DE1088CAF275C1CE7C507014
node: 1:20AM INF minted coins from module account amount=4816074uakt from=mint module=x/bank
node: 1:20AM INF executed block height=7627066 module=state num_invalid_txs=0 num_valid_txs=1
node: 1:20AM INF commit synced commit=436F6D6D697449447B5B31393520323430203835203130372032382034362035332032303720313735203232322039372031343420383220363720313731203137332031303420323130203135342035382032353420323431203231302032343420323120313431203137392033312034352031343120323438203134385D3A3734363133417D
node: 1:20AM INF committed state app_hash=C3F0556B1C2E35CFAFDE61905243ABAD68D29A3AFEF1D2F4158DB31F2D8DF894 height=7627066 module=state num_txs=1
node: 1:20AM INF indexed block height=7627066 module=txindex

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